How Does California View the Real Estate Professional Status & the Short-Term Rental Loophole?

If you’re a California resident, it’s probably no secret that California is a bit unique when it comes to state tax issues.  Most states conform the federal tax code pretty closely, with relatively few deviations. However, California tends to deviate significantly from the federal tax code and it’s usually not in favor of the taxpayer.…

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What is the True Downside of Grouping All of Your Rental Activities as a Real Estate Professional?

If you’re looking to qualify as a real estate professional and use the losses from your long-term rental properties to offset your W-2 or active business income, you’ll need to materially participate in your rental activities.  The problem is meeting one of the seven material participation tests for each individual property is often not feasible,…

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Hiring Your Children Part I: The Basics

While there are many tax-smart ways to transfer money to your children, we often get questions from landlords and business owners on the tax benefits of paying their children through their business. That’s why this week, we’ll discuss the ins and outs of paying your children through your business including the tax benefits and common…

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How to Deduct the Entire Cost of Your Next Vehicle

Who doesn’t want an excuse to buy another vehicle? There is nothing like telling your spouse that it’s necessary to buy that Porsche Cayenne you’ve been eyeing in order to reduce your tax bills. That’s why in this Tax Smart Investor Newsletter we’re going to break down vehicle-related deductions and how you might be able…

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Should Landlords Establish Home Offices?

Every once in a while we get a question about whether or not landlords qualify for the home office deduction? Also, can landlords actually benefit from establishing one? In today’s Tax Smart Newsletter we’ll address both of these concerns because as you’ll see, home offices can open the door to some lucrative tax deductions if…

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